I am a firm believer that a well - organized and clean cooking environment is a key to successful cooking. That said, I seldom if ever, attain that state of organization, which is the spirit in which I share Exhibit A below, the scene in Cucina Tiwari this Sunday morning. All of this was in preparation for the bi - annual baking of the Crostata di Fichi, lifted from Jamie Oliver’s Jamie Oliver’s Italy, it being fresh fig season here in India, and against the backdrop of Kumud and Mira making sushi. What goes into said Crostata di Fichi, other than fresh figs and some almonds is best left well enough alone. You don’t ask and we won’t tell, just know that a mound of flour, refined sugar, vanilla and butter have now found a better home. The sports grounds (maidan) outside the Gymkhana The day started off in a very energetic yet civilized way with tennis practice at the Bombay Gymkhana. Having volunteered for a game of tennis against a corporate big wig next Saturday yours truly now has six days in which to prepare for a less ignominous defeat. The weather in Mumbai / Bombay is unseasonably cool and breezy, all apparently the result of a high pressure zone in the Arctic. The Kala Ghoda (Black Horse) Art Festival is on right now, lasts an entire week, and is walking distance from where we live. Other pictures of the art festival can be found here.
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October 2022
Btw, the banner photo was taken from our holiday home outside of San Gimignano at 6.20 am. What light! It lasted all of five minutes.